Service Features

– We Offer You Wholesale Pricing as Provided by Twilio

1) Selection of Local Numbers in US, Canada, Ireland*, UK, Australia**, New Zealand*   [*Pending] [**May Be Limited]
2) Forwarding of Local & Toll Free Phone Numbers within and between countries
3) Option to record the call – When enabled, the caller is notified the call may be recorded
4) Option to add a call whisper notification – When enabled, a custom announcement is played to the called party
5) Option to email the called party so they have a record of the call.  If recording is enabled, called party may replay the call via recording link
6) Robot call protection – When enabled, it slows or stops robotic callers from disturbing your called party
7) Caller blocking – When enabled, you can add callers to a block list, denying the calling party access to the called party
8) Call Tracking and Report Dashboard – Light CRM – For adding notes about the call
9) Rapid Callback Technology – Don’t let your customer (the called party) ever lose another lead.  When time matters, you can depend on this strategy to make a difference.  Using Jot form integration, a form is placed on your lead generation web site via iframe.  The lead fills out the form for a quote.  Upon pressing “submit”, the called party (your customer) is contacted and notified “Pat just filled out your lead form, and to press one to continue” – and when the number one is pressed, our system calls Pat at the number just left on the form – and Pat is connected to your customer.  The customer hasn’t had time to leave the page.
10) Improve your chance of receiving more reviews on your Google My Business Map Listing page – When enabled, your calls will be sampled, and a text will be sent to callers asking them to click on the link in the text, and to leave a review. -Pending Feature-
11) Yes, you can transfer over your Existing Twilio Numbers. Open a support ticket and we’ll make the transfer seamless. 
12) Place outbound calls from any verified phone number in your account using twiDial.  Download the app from Apple App Store.


Immediate Form Call Back

Time is money!  Strike While The Iron Is Hot!  Time Is Of The Essence!

You’ve probably heard all of these before – and they are all true.

Now you can place a Formidable Form [into Weebly, WordPress, etc], a Contact 7 Form, or Jot Form onto your website to collect user contact information.  Normally, this would be sent to someone via email and the user would continue looking for her/his product on another website while they wait for you to respond.  Instead, with our technology, upon submission, the form will call YOU and the CUSTOMER back in about 3 seconds.


Display Dynamic Phone Numbers

Track your ad campaigns even further by displaying a custom phone number for each inbound campaign.  

Facebook – Phone 1
Google Ads – Phone 2
LinkedIn – Phone 3
Default – Phone 4

For example, let us assume you would like to display a corresponding phone number on the fly depending on which campaign is responsible sending the user to your website?  If a click comes from Facebook, phone 1 would show up.  A Google click would show phone2.  A default number, 4, would be shown for anyone who found the site organically.  Using CallJuggler and WordPress plugin, IF-SO **, you can easily enhance the way you are managing and tracking your incoming leads.   Read the documentation for setup. **Affiliate Link and Affiliate Commission Earned


We Built This Service For Marketers

Our service was built by marketers for marketers.   It is used for marketing attribution and call tracking.  We enable marketers with the ability to attribute leads to their end clients.  We’ve designed our service for cost conscious consumers and those who operate at scale.  Our platform is not filled with bloat and extras in attempts to justify the extra cost of service.   We simply give you the tools that work.

Second Phone Line For Doctors, Teachers, School Administrators ...

Our service is also perfect for those who need to interact with customers or clients from behind their primary office number to maintain privacy and protect their time. Private phone lines have been used by:

– On call Doctors
– Legal Counsel
– After hours support team members
– School administrators
– Place of worship staff
– Small businesses with offices in multiple cities or countries
– Anyone looking to dial from their cell phone using a different caller ID
– Anyone needing to call multiple countries using location specific caller ID

User Interface Video

This is a quick video demonstration showing the purchase of a local number.



This is a quick video demonstration showing how to configure the local number.



Use Your Existing Twilio Account or Don't

Yes; just select the option when you sign up. 

Yes, you can use your existing or new twilio account.

Yes, you can use your existing or new twilio numbers.

A few tweaks may be needed to your account, but it’s a simple onboarding.